The Sport Museum

Curated by Anna Maria Sommella, Carla Martini, Daniela Velestino

Texts: Anna Maria Sommella, Carla Martini, Daniela Velestino

Photographies: Araldo De Luca

Graphics: Italiana d'Arte

Publisher: Araldo De Luca, Rome

A new Sport Museum will find the most suitable seat in the fascinating area of the city of Rome, surrounded by the western slope of the Palatine, the Aventine hill and the Tiber nearby, area which is an extraordinary frame.

According to a plan worked out by the City of Rome and Coni, the most significant part of the huge block, whose main side faces the starting gates of the Roman Circus Maximus, will be assigned to he Museum.

The proximity of the future Sport Museum to the most ancient and biggest sporting building of every times (the Circus Maximus), which could contain 300.000 spectators, is a unique and exceedingly symbolic opportunity to make this Museum a reference in the international world of culture.

A copy of the "meta", from the extraordinary original, will become the symbolic link between the two buildings; it will be exposed in its original place, the "spina" (the central part) of the Circus Maximus. A fortunate occasion, infact, will allow us to have at disposal one of the ancient "metae" of the Circus, that, according to tradition, Nero transferred from Greece to Rome.