What life was like. When Rome ruled the world. The Roman Empire, 100 BC - AD 200

Texts: Various authors

Publisher: Time-Life Book, Alexandria, VA

(English text)

When Rome's city prefect was brutally slain by one of his own slaves, an anrgy mod threatened to riot outside the Roman Senate. Under the Roman law others prefect's slaves were considered as guilty as the murderer himself, and therefore every one of them faced death. They were 400 between men, women, and children, who demand that gulties and their lives be separed. The protest comes to the senators who met to deliberate...

"What Life Was Like" tells the riveting tale of the 400 slaves and their fate and many other compelling and true accounts of the people of the Roman Empire. It focuses on the daily lives of the ancient romans as well as the military actions and political intrigues that built one of the greatest empires of all time.

From court records, letters, literature, funerary inscriptions, and other historical sources come the storie of emperors, slaves, artisnas, legionaries, gladiators and poets.

This volume explores Rome's crowded city streets, luxurious country villas, disciplined army camps, and thrilling circuses. Contemporary paintings, mosaics, and reliefs vividly portray these ancient Roman places and their inhabitants.