History of Italian Renaissance Art. Painting, sculpture, architecture

Curated by Frederick Hartt, David G. Wilkins

Texts: Frederick Hartt, David G. Wilkins

Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J.

This volume, at its sixth edition, provides readers with an updated understanding of this pivotal period in the western history of art, incorporating new research and current art historical thinking while also maintaning the integrity of the story written many years ago.

Despite the fact that scholars and enthusiastic have been writing passionately and extensively about Italian Renaissance art since the sixteenth century, there is still much to learn about this complex period.

A book in English dealing with the art of the Italian Renaissance - painting, sculpture, and architecture - needs no apology for its existence... all three were c,osely related in Renaissance Italy.

A comprehensive treatment of all the gifted masters at work from the Alps to Sicily, during the period of roughly three centuries which can be embraced by term Renaissance, the whole compressed between one pair of covers, might have produced a useful handbook but not a readable account. It was therefore necessary to make a choice aimed at the best possible understanding of the period of the Italian Renaissance, in all its nuances and artistic disciplines that have contributed to make it one of the most flourishing moments of Western culture.