This volume takes the form of an invitation to the theatre, and, like the play itself, has a Prologue, five Acts and an Epilogue. Elsewhere in Latium, Italy and Europe, it is the v...
On their wanders through the palaces and villas of the province of Viterbo, the authors have reconstructed the stories of several women who lived there and left their (often secret...
Dai segnali di fumo alla radio di Marconi, dalla coppetta a tre giri del postiglione all'immagine televisiva: l'epopea della comunicazione
Il Tritone restaurato, a cura di Luisa Cardilli Alloisi, Roma, Ed. Quasar, 1988.
The delights of aristocratic Renaissance and Baroque Latium, presented through a sequence of splendid images. A historical and artistic description of the most important and sumptu...
Villa Medici è da molto tempo ormai un piccolo angolo di Francia in terra italiana, eclatante esempio di dimora suburbana rinascimentale e custode di molti capolavori d'arte
Franco Maria Ricci Publisher All the contrasts of a harsh and lovely region burst forth from the lucid analysis of a contemporary historian, Augusto Placanica, and the images of t...
The great hall in Montecitorio contains the two greatest allegorical works by artists active in the somewhat inward-looking Italy of the early 20th century: the pictorial frieze by...