The icon shows Saint Catherine of Alexandria in the centre wearing a black dress richly decorated with pearls and precious stones. On the sides is a frame with stories of the saint's life and miracles. - 28384
The icon shows St. Catherine of Alexandria in the centre wearing a black dress richly decorated with pearls and precious stones. - 28385
Detail of the frame. The scene shows Augusta, wife of the governor of Egypt, converting to Christianity in front of St. Catreina. - 28387
Detail of the frame, bottom left. Scene of the martyrdom of the saint. - 28386
depiction-of-the-saint-catherine-monastery - 28403
depiction-of-the-saint-catherine-monastery - 28404
depiction-of-the-saint-catherine-monastery - 28405
icon-of-the-forty-martyrs-of-sebaste - 28341
icon-of-the-forty-martyrs-of-sebaste - 28342
Show the saint with the cross on a gold background - 27964
Icon with Kardiotissa (Virgin and Child) - 27942
Icon with St. John Climacus - 27932
The Archangel Gabriel is depicted with wings, a tunic (chiton) and a cloak (himation). He has long hair with a central diadem. In his hand he holds the pilgrim's staff. - 27949
Detail of the Resurrection scene depicting the two commissioners of the icon: the Emperor of Byzantium and the Empress Anastasia wearing a crown and dress studded with pearls and precious stones. - 27989
It shows the warrior saint in the centre with armour interwoven with gold threads, a red cloak, footwear, a decorated shield and a silver spear on a gold background. The frame is composed of squares showing scenes from the Saint's life and martyrdom. - 27991
Portrait of St. George with curly hair and crown in gold, pearls and precious stones on a gold background - 27961
It shows the Madonna in the centre with a red mantle and crown carrying the infant Jesus on her knees. It is the inner part of a group consisting of other images representing apostles and saints. It shows scenes from the life of Christ - 28312
It shows Christ lying with a red and blue mantle together with Moise. It shows a tree with saints. The background is gold. - 28310
Showing the Nativity with the child in the cradle and the Magi worshipping him - 28311
PREVIEW Show Noe with the animals. Noe and orderly build an ark on which to save a couple of specimens of each animal species. - 28295
PREVIEW It shows the Virgin Mary with a red mantle and crown.She carries the child Jesus on her knees, the figures are wrapped in an almond of flowers behind there is a rock at the sides the saints. The background is gold - 28296
It shows the Madonna in the centre holding the baby Jesus in her arms. It is the inner part of a group composed of other images representing apostles and saints. It shows scenes from the life of Christ - 28297
PREVIEW Show the Nativity with the baby in the cradle and the Magi worshipping him - 28298
It shows two saints with long robes. One carries a book in his hands and the other a candelabra. - 28299
PREVIEW - 28266
ANTEPRIMA Shows an angel with a spear, a saint and an apostle. This is part of a group of panels painted on both sides depicting apostles and saints and scenes from the life of Christ ID 27929, 27996, 27997 27998, 27999 - 27995
ANTEPRIMA Shows an angel with a spear, a saint and an apostle. The panel is part of a group depicting apostles and saints, ID 27995, 27998, 27999, 27929 of which it forms one of the sides. The other side is painted with scenes from the Passion - 27996
It shows the Circumcision, the baptism in the River Jordan, the resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit This is the inner part of a group consisting of other panels representing apostles and saints, ID 27996, 27998, 27999, 27929, 27995 - 27997
It shows the Resurrection, the resurrection of Lazarus the church and the death of the Virgin This is the inner part of a group consisting of other panels depicting apostles and saints, ID 27995, 27996, 27997, 27999, 27929 - 27998
It shows the annunciation, the birth of Jesus, the entry into Jerusalem and the Crucifixion. It is the inner part of a group of other panels representing apostles and saints, ID 27995, 27996, 27997, 27998, 27929 - 27999
It shows in the centre the warrior saint with armour interwoven with gold threads, a red cloak, footwear, a decorated shield and a silver spear on a gold background. The frame is composed of squares showing scenes from the Saint's life - 27992
Painted on the panel are two crosses arising from a plant motif in the shape of a vine shoot. - 27929
Our Lady suckling Jesus - 27947
Saint Simeon Theodochos holding Jesus in his arms - 27948
The icon shows the saint holding a spear and his shoulders covered by a broad draped cloak (himation) - 27937
Top shows Christ on the cross between Nicodemus, John the Evangelist, Our Lady and pious women. Bottom is the Nativity with the child in the cradle and the Magi adoring him Nativity scene - 28343
It shows the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus in her arms. The Virgin is wearing a dress decorated with rhombus motifs and the child carries a scroll in his hand - 28375
PREVIEW Shows the Virgin holding the baby Jesus in her arms. The virgin has a dress decorated with rhombus motifs and the child holds a scroll in his hand - 28376
Showing a scene from the martyrdom of the saint - 28396
It shows Christ on the cross between Nicodemus dressed in armour, shield and sword and St John the Evangelist with a large halo, tunic and mantle. On the left are the Madonna and pious women. Above are two cross-bearing angels. The background is blue with golden stars - 28345
Showing a scene from the martyrdom of the saint - 28393
PREVIEW Showing a scene from the saint's martyrdom - 28394
PREVIEW Showing a scene from the saint's martyrdom - 28395
PREVIEW Christ with the Gospel book decorated with precious stones Christian art Catholic religion - 28388
PREVIEW It shows Christ with the Gospel book decorated with precious stones. This is one of the earliest images of this type.Jesus wears the tunic (chiton) and cloak (himation) - 28389
icon-of-the-celestial-stairway - 80775
saints - 28409
saints - 28406
saints - 28407
saints - 28408
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