Casa di Loreio Tiburtino o Octavius Quartius. - 62154
Peristyle wall decorated with polychrome panels - 51699
Walls coloured in Pompeian red and a large opening with a round arch. The black and white inlaid mosaic floor depicting a marine animal can also be glimpsed - 7632
Middle wall of the tablinum with traces of IV-style decoration, with dark plinth and red walls - 7633
Peristyle portico with marble pillars in Corinthian order - 7634
Casa del Larario del Sarno. Nicchia con affresco di Venere - 62340
One of the largest private baths in Pompeii. Detail of room with frescoed barrel vault and walls painted Pompeian red - 51683
One of the largest private baths in Pompeii. Detail of room with frescoed barrel vault and walls painted Pompeian red - 51684
One of the largest private baths in Pompeii. Detail of room with frescoed barrel vault and walls painted Pompeian red - 51685
One of the largest private baths in Pompeii. Detail of room with frescoed barrel vault and walls painted Pompeian red - 51686
These are the footprints of the bodies of the victims of the eruption - 61633
Peristyle with a view of the Labyrinth garden. - 61717
Peristyle with a view of the Labyrinth garden - 61718
House of the Labyrinth. Peristyle overlooking the Labyrinth garden - 61719
Casa del Chirurgo. Atrio con impluvio - 61747
Garden - 61729
Atrium with impluvium and view of the rooms of the house - 60157
These are the footprints of the bodies of the victims of the eruption - 61634
Cast of an adolescent found by Vittorio Spinazzola in 1914; garden of the Cryptoporticus House - 61645
These are the footprints of the bodies of the victims of the eruption - 61635
These are the footprints of the bodies of the victims of the eruption - 61636
These are the footprints of the bodies of the victims of the eruption - 61637
These are the footprints of the bodies of the victims of the eruption - 61643
Terraced houses with backyard hortus - 60610
Casa di Sallustio. Atrio decorato con affreschi in I stile - 60362
Façade of the house located along Nocera Street - 60602
Façade of the house located along Nocera Street - 60603
Terraced houses with backyard hortus - 60604
Graffito on wall - 60533
Villa di Diomede. Ninfeo - 61750
Villa of Diomedes. Fountain - nymphaeum in the garden near the columns of the pergola - 61751
Villa of Diomedes. Porticoed garden with the remains of columns resting on a high base and originally supporting a pergola - 61748
Villa of Diomedes. Porticoed garden with the remains of columns resting on a high base and originally supporting a pergola - 61749
Frescoed niche. House of the Sarno Lararium - 62234
Detail of cabinet hinge - 62178
Basin of the nymphaeum fountain inserted between the columns of the median peristyle - 51405
Fluted columns of the median peristyle surrounding the basin of the nymphaeum fountain - 51406
Nymphaeum basin and columns of the median peristyle - 51408
Columns of the median peristyle surrounding the nymphaeum fountain - 51409
Detail of the window opening onto the upper peristyle - 51410
Detail of the upper peristyle with bronze statue and columns - 51411
Upper peristyle with columns and central garden - 51412
Upper peristyle with columns and central garden - 51413
Upper peristyle with columns and central garden - 51414
Fluted column of the median peristyle seen from the lower peristyle - 51415
Detail of the fluted columns of the median peristyle surrounding the natatio - 51401
Columns of the lower peristyle - 51418
Fluted columns of the median peristyle surrounding the nymphaeum fountain - 51419
Fluted columns of the median peristyle surrounding the nymphaeum fountain - 51416
Fluted columns of the median peristyle surrounding the nymphaeum fountain - 51417
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