Dionysian Capucci. Theatre designs

Texts: Various authors

Photographies: Araldo De Luca

Publisher: Edizioni Polistampa, Florence

(Text in Italian with English translation)

In Roberto Capucci's work, three different stages can be found: the first stage is the young designer and fashion, in Gioovan Battista Giorgini's Florence; the second is Capucci and his sculptural clothing; and the third stage, the one being presented in this exhibition, is an imaginative theatrical dimension in which the master seems to immerse himself, freely relyng on his inspiration.

Capucci's creations are far from the conventional ideas of fashion, instead they seem to belong to a theatre environment, to the extent that the woman who wears them must assume a majestic stride, as if from the stage. Nevertheless, even if rarely, the master has worked for theatre and in recent years he has devoted himself to dreaming up a set of strictly men's theatre costumes that evoke the East or unreal worlds inhabited by hybrid creatures, animated by some sort of metamorphosis.

It is maybe obvious thet these costumes remain a dream. Their realisation might compromise the vitality of the imagination that created them and that does not merely belong to a sketch but to accomplished artworks, like all Capucci's designs.

It is remarkable exhibition that reveals an unknown Roberto Capucci and also accounts a significant contributions to complete his image as a great contemporary artist.

(Quote taken from the text "An unknown Roberto Capucci" by Caterina Chiarelli)