
A cura di Nicola Bonacasa, Serena Ensoli

Testi: Autori vari

Fotografie: Araldo De Luca

Editore: Electa, Milano

Bonacasa, N. & Ensoli, S. (a cura di), Cirene, Milano, Electa, 2000.

A fascinating journey into the history and the art of one of most important archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. Cyrene, splendid site of Libya, built in the early decades of seventh Century BC, lived the period of greatest splendour under the dynasty of Tolomei, since the end of the fourth century BC, but fell later in the first Century d.C., under the Roman domination.
Through a historical investigation, the book traces the civilization of Cyrene, considering complex evolution of the economic, social,
religious and artistic aspects in the course of the centuries, from prebattiaca age, through the events of Christian Cyrene, until the Arab conquest. An excellent iconography shows the places emerged during the excavations: the Acropolis, the monumental area of the agorà and the spectacular shrines of Apollo and Zeus.