Alexandria. The site & the history

Curated by Morsi Saad El-Din

Texts: Various authors

Photographs: Araldo De Luca

Editor: Mobil Oil Egypt - Franco Maria Ricci

(English edition)

Why a new book about Alexandria when dozens already exist? The answer is that this is a book with a difference. It is a book about Alexandria, seen through the eyes of Egyptians who experts in their fields.

Alexandria has many faces and many phases. It developed from a mere anchorage - at times a hiding niche for pirates - to a city that came to be called "the bridge of the Mediterranean".

The history of Alexandria is a record of ongoing civilization with all the cultural implications thet word carries: poltics, art, music, literature and science - all the humanities.

This book is an effort to present Alexandria to the world at a time when she is elbowing her way, as it were, back to her former prominence. In it, our contributors have tried to pen a portrait of a living, throbbing city over the millennia.

With the help of wonderful photographs by Araldo De uca, the story comes to life.


(Cit. from the introduction to the volume, by Morsi Saad El-Din)