Treasures of the Pharaohs

Testi: Delia Pemberton, Joann Fletcher

Fotografie: Araldo De Luca

Editore: Duncan Baird Publishers, Londra

Delia Pemberton, Joann Fletcher (consultant), Treasures of the Pharaohs: the glories of Ancient Egypt, London, Duncan Baird Publishers, 2004.

From the great temples of Karnak and Luxor to the richies of Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings, the ancient Egyptians left the most glorious cultural legacy of any ancient civilization. Treasures of the Pharaohs presents, in stunning photographs, a vivid picture of these sites, their settings and their treasures. Structured chronologically, the book looks at the reign of each pharaoh in turn and examines his or her contribution to the treasures and monuments of Thebes, including the tombs in the Valley of the kings and those of assiciated queens, curtiers and officials.
An authoritative and highly readable commentary sets the achievements of the Pharaohs in their historical and artistic context. The book includes fascinating coverage of mysteries such as the identity of the female body reburied in KV35 and the extent of the huge tomb KV5 containing the sons of Ramses II.