Image code: 31819

Detail of Queen Nefertari offering

West wall of descent Nefertari is dressed in a long semi-transparent tunic, knotted in the middle by a red ribbon. On her head she wears the Nekhbet headdress, exclusive to royal women and goddesses, consisting of the Nekhbet vulture clutching the shenu symbol of eternity, a golden crown for the great wives of the pharaohs and surmounted by two long golden feathers in the middle of which is a small solar disc. The queen holds two nemset jars in her hands. In front of her is a table with offerings of fruit, vegetables, animal parts, and loaves of bread; on top are two small smoking braziers. In front of Nefertari are three goddesses: Isis in red with bovine horns, solar disc and uraeus, Neftis in green with her emblem on her head, both sitting on a chair and clutching a sceptre was and an ankh. Maat kneeling in a red dress and spread wings closes the group. In front and behind the goddess the queen's cartouches. Next to Maat a djed pillar with human arms holds two was sceptres.

