Image code: 30967

General view of Nefertari's burial chamber

General view of the burial chamber and pillars. The decoration of the chamber consists of a kekher frieze at the top of the walls and a dado at the base. The main decoration of the walls shows scenes from chapter 144 of the Book of the Dead with Nefertari's entry into the Underworld through the seven doors, and scenes from chapter 146 with the queen's passage through the twenty-one portals. At the end of the journey Nefertari faces Osiris. The decoration of the pillars shows priests with raised arms and images of Nefertari facing Anubis, Isis and Hathor. Nefertari wears nekhbet headdresses without the two tall golden feathers. The goddesses all wear red robes. The other sides of the pillars are decorated with the image of the mummified Osiris and the Djed pillar. The ceiling is decorated with a starry sky painted with deep blue and yellow stars to evoke the sky of the Hereafter.


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