Image code: 30405

Scenes from the Book of Gates

Scenes from the Book of Gates. Upper register: tenth hour. A god with a human body, outstretched arms and the double head of Horus/the falcon and the animal of Seth (symbolising Upper and Lower Egypt) stands above an animal with a falcon head and a human head both with white Upper Egyptian crowns. On the right a deity clutches a rope to which is tied a staff with a human head and red crown. The four deities with red crowns of Lower Egypt do the same. They are the gods of the North. On the opposite side four other gods of the South with crowns of Upper Egypt. Middle Register: eleventh hour. The sun god is carried in his boat by four deities. He has a human body, ram's head with a horned sun disc and stands inside a kiosk surrounded by a serpent protecting him. In front of him a serpent. To their right the god Unti 'god of the hour' carries a star and four kneeling gods, each with an uraeus above his head, are Horus, Sereq, Abesh and Sekhet. Lower register: tenth hour. A theory of deities with a human body and the head of an arient, falcon, ibis and human hold a rope to which an enormous snake is tied (not visible here)

