Image code: 30340

Ramesses I led before Osiris by Horus, Atum and Neith

Book of the Gates, second division. Osiris is seated on a throne and is dressed in white with the atef crown and holds the insignia of power. In front of him the priest Iunmutef is dressed in a white kilt on which a leopard skin has been worn. With his left hand he grasps one of the paws On his head he wears a wig with a side braid. In front of him the deceased pharaoh is led before the mummiform god by Horus, Atum and Neith. Horus has a falcon's head and wears the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt and holds the sceptre was. He wears the typical white and gold skirt like Atum. The king on the other hand wears a simple white skirt and nemes with a uraeus on his forehead. The three male figures all have tails at the back. Neith wears a white dress and on his head he wears his emblem and holds an ankh. The four figures take each other by the hand.

