Left: Khnum, Satis and Anuqet, who form the Elephantine triad, are seated on thrones placed on a plinth. The ram-headed god Khnum wears the Atef Crown and clutches the Was sceptre and the Ankh symbol. Satis wears the headdress formed by the White Crown flanked by gazelle horns, one hand clasps the Ankh, the other is raised towards Khnum's shoulder. Anuqet wears his characteristic crown formed of tall feathers. He has one hand raised to the height of Satis' shoulder and in the other clasps the Ankh. Right: Nefertari wears a long semi-transparent dress, a wig and the Hathorica crown, formed by the sun disc surmounted by two tall feathers and surrounded by bovine horns. The queen is presenting to the gods offerings placed on braziers and lotus flowers that she clasps in her hands.