Image code: 21949

Book of the Dead of Pinedjem I. Detail with Pinedjem I in front of Osiris

Pinedjem I was the Great Prophet of Amun (he was the son of the high priest Piankh). During the reign of Smendes, he proclaimed himself lord of Upper Egypt, assumed the royal title and his name was inscribed on cartouches. In fact, in his funerary papyrus, hieroglyphics identify him as 'King of Upper Egypt'. Pinedjem I was buried with a copy of the Book of the Dead found rolled up between the feet of his mummy. This detail from the beginning of the Book of the Dead shows Pinedjem I facing Osiris in adoration. He is dressed as a pharaoh with the royal headdress, nemes, with uraeus, false beard, breastplate and a long royal skirt. Above him are his royal cartouches. Osiris is represented inside a chapel seated on a throne with the Atef crown and the sceptres of power, hekat and nekhekh. His skin is green to symbolise his relationship with the Nile and nature. In front of him stands the fetish Imiwt.

